Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Marketing Road Map

"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." says Dr. Seuss in Oh, the Places You'll Go! An effective marketing road map will help your company find it's way and stand out in the crowd.

1. Helps You Sell: An effective map accomplishes the sole purpose of marketing... to generate leads and assist the salesforce in closing a deal faster and more accurately.

2. Keeps Your Prospect Pipeline at a Consistent Level: Unless you market continuously, leads can vanish forcing you to scramble at cyclical times of the year. When an effective road map is an integral part of your business, you'll always know the status of your marketing efforts and you will always be pushed to be proactive and consistently.

3. Uses the Power of Focus: Great road maps aim squarely at targeted clients. Targeting your potentials with frequent and compelling content grabs their attention, and if your message is on point, you will get through.

4. Creates Confidence: Using an assortment of marketing tactics in a continuous pattern helps prospects develop confidence that your business is successful, profitable, has a compelling brand, and can meet their wants and needs.

5. Builds Your Brand: Although the first objective of marketing is to use your activities to generate leads, building your corporate reputation and image will also draw new customers to your business. Outstanding client service, effective marketing strategies, consistent identity, and compelling messages will elevate your brand recognition several levels.

Enjoy the journey... and drop me a line and let me know how the trail looks!

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